SterlingBackcheck Launches UK Background Screening Survey

juni 6th, 2017

Background Screening Survey Offers Chance To Win Amazon Voucher Worth £1,000

SterlingBackcheck are conducting an important study to understand the role of background screening in the recruiting process of UK businesses and they’re inviting HR professionals to give their opinion. Whether screening plays a small, medium, or large role in an organisation (or no role at all) they want to hear from all those involved in the recruitment process.

The insight will not only help SterlingBackcheck to improve their service, the data will also be used to create a valuable background screening benchmarking report which will be made available to all those who take part. As an additional ‘thank you’ for completing the survey, participants can also enter a draw to win a £1,000 Amazon voucher!

The online survey should take no more than 10 minutes, and is designed to be completed on a computer or tablet. The results will only be reported in the aggregate and will not contain any personal identifiable information about any individuals or organisations.

Participants are encouraged to complete the survey today for their chance to win a £1,000 Amazon voucher!

Take part now!

Thank you in advance for your help in this important project.

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