Ons Perspectief,
Uw Inzicht

Bekijk tips en trends - van human capital management tot compliance-updates voor pre employment screening - geschreven door Sterling-experts en haar partners. We vestigen de aandacht op kwesties en onderwerpen die van invloed zijn op het wervingsproces, de ervaring van kandidaten, antecedentenonderzoek en de onboarding van nieuwe medewerkers.

Meest recente blogs

juli 3 | 2020

Top 6 Tech Industry Tips: Creating a Culture of Online Safety and Trust

The COVID-19 pandemic has quickly changed how companies operate. Businesses had to rapidly make...

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december 3 | 2019

To Outsource or Not to Outsource, That is the Ques...

It’s not uncommon for outsourcing to be confused with offshoring, but the real...

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september 3 | 2019

How a Background Check Can Support Your ‘Cir...

februari 3 | 2019

Ownership of the recruitment process: How HR and h...

To help employers find the best person for the job, the recruitment process is often a group effort between HR, hiring managers and external agencies. Yet despite the benefits of involving a range of people in the process, there are challenges too. Here are some of the challenges that can arise with a collaborative approach …

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februari 3 | 2019

Does your candidate have a fake qualification from...

Last year, the BBC revealed that thousands of people in the UK had bought fake d...

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februari 3 | 2019

Background Screening 101: Your Questions Answered!

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